Hawkins County Pregnancy Help Center
The Hawkins County Pregnancy Help Center is a ministry of the Holston Valley Baptist Association and is funded by contributions from local churches and individuals. There is no charge to our clients for services or material assistance.
Mission: Our purpose is to minister to the needs of women and families of Hawkins County who are struggling under the weight and fear of an unplanned pregnancy. Additionally, we minister to families that take in children from the foster care system.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Hawkins County Pregnancy Help Center is thankful for the ongoing support we receive from the Holston Valley Baptist Association area of churches.
Although we do not need volunteers at this time, if you would like more information about how you can support our center, please contact us at 423-272-7309.
There are other ways you can connect with us such as donating diapers, wipes, and baby supplies.
What We Do
Hawkins County Pregnancy Help Center offers information from a biblical viewpoint on options available to pregnant women.
We provide real support with love and encouragement, counseling, and basic needs to help women deal with the practical demands of life as a new mom. Ladies are able to visit the Pregnancy Center once a month or they can participate in a points-based system to earn basic baby needs.
Pregnancy Testing
Peer Counseling & Support Groups
Learn to Earn Program
Material Assistance based on need & 1 visit per month (diapers, wipes, food, clothing)
Rogersville, TN 37857