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Jubilee Project, Inc. 

Jubilee Project, Inc. is a mission of the United Methodist Church whose purpose is to reduce the oppression of poverty in Hancock County, TN.  The vision is that Jubilee envisions a world where everyone has enough, where those who have more share with glad and generous hearts, and where those who have less find relief from oppression and hope for the future.


Mission: In the name of Jesus Christ, helping the people of Hancock County, TN, meet their spiritual, economic, social and physical needs.


Core values include food security, shelter, access to clean water, health, and self-worth and love.

Volunteer Opportunities

What We Do

Programs include:


1) Food distribution through emergency and USDA foods throughout the month, monthly food pantry, and collaborative holiday meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas;



2) Access to clean water through drilling wells, cleaning and connecting springs, and installing water tanks, water purification systems, and septic tanks;



3) home repair for health and safety of Hancock County residents; and



4) meetings for women, children, and youth that include devotional time, crafts, and opportunities beyond Hancock County.




Good For

  • Any Skill Level​

  • Families and Groups

  • Any Age

  • Churches

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